Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The consumer does not pay a fee. This is a voluntary program and Recycle NB is paying the costs associated with collecting, transporting and recycling the tires and tubes.
There is no cost to you, if you work with a tire retailer and you properly bundle the tires and tubes for processing. See the Bike Tire and Tube Recycling Information Sheet to learn how to bundle your tires and tubes.
Contact your local tire retailer, already registered with Recycle NB, and ask if they would accept your tires and tubes for recycling with their regular scrap tires. If you need help finding a tire retailer to recycle your tires, contact our office for help.

For information on how to bundle your tires and tubes properly, please see the Tire and Tube Recycling Information sheet. You are responsible for delivering properly bundled stacks of tires and tubes to your local tire retailer for recycling.
Recycle NB is offering a program for the recycling of bike tires and tubes. Check with your Regional Service Commission for other product recycling programs available in your region.