Tire suppliers

Tire Suppliers

Under the Designated Materials Regulation 2024-37 of the Clean Environment Act, no supplier shall supply a new tire to another person in New Brunswick unless the person holds a valid registration as a supplier or is acting under the authority of a person who holds a valid registration as a supplier.

A person supplies a tire if the person disposes of or offers to dispose of any interest in a tire, by any of the following means:

(a) sale, whether conditional or otherwise;
(b) exchange;
(c) replacement;
(d) barter;
(e) lease or rental, whether with an option to purchase or otherwise;
(f) gift.

“New tire” means a tire supplied separately or with a machine or device but does not include a retreaded tire or a used tire.

“Scrap tire” means a tire that is no longer suitable for its original intended purpose because of wear, damage, defect.

“Tire” means a tire that is inflatable, other than a tire that is used or intended to be used on a cycle, a wheelbarrow or another machine or device that is propelled solely by human or animal power.

A tire shall be deemed to be new from the time of its manufacture until immediately after it is first supplied by a supplier anywhere.

Restriction on supply of scrap tires

No person shall import a scrap tire into the Province unless the person has first obtained the written permission of Recycle NB to do so.

For more information about the Tire Stewardship Program, please contact Recycle NB at 1-888-322-8473 or 1-506-454-8473.