No. Unwanted end-of-life electronic products are accepted FREE OF CHARGE at any authorized New Brunswick Drop-off Centre.
You pay the recycling fee when you purchase electronic products and devices so you do not pay a fee when you drop them off for recycling. In addition, you can drop off products and devices that you purchased before the program started without a fee.
The Board of Recycle NB recently approved a management plan for electronic waste. The plan calls for a province-wide electronics recycling program to begin March 30, 2017.
Answer. This is definitely not a tax. The cost for the program will be borne by the electronics industry and consumers of its products.
Extended producer responsibility programs shift the costs of end-of-life product waste management from the taxpayer to the industry and the consumers of the products. Under this environmental protection policy, producers pay directly for the end-of-life waste management of their products. They may absorb those costs as part of the cost of production or pass them on to consumers in the price of the products. To learn more visit
Answer. Electronic waste or e-waste refers to discarded electrical or electronic devices and their parts. They could be destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling or disposal. For the list of items that you can recycle please click here.